Inria Partner
- Claudia-Lavinia IGNAT, Inria Research scientist (CR1), SCORE team, Principal investigator
- François CHAROY, Professor, Université de Lorraine, leader of SCORE team
- Gérald OSTER, Associate professor, Université de Lorraine, SCORE team
- Luc ANDRE, Ph.D student, Université de Lorraine (2011-2015)
- Vinh Quang DANG, Ph.D student, Université de Lorraine (2014-2017)
- Hoai Le NGUYEN, Ph.D student, Université de Lorraine (2015-2018)
- Hoang Long NGUYEN, Ph.D student, Université de Lorraine (2015-2018)
- Jingjie JIANG, Master 2 student, MSc in Erasmus Mundus Dependable Software Systems (DESEM) (2013)
- Mounir SADAOUI, Master 2 student, SSR specialisation, Université de Lorraine (2014)
- David RUBINO, Intern student, Telecom Nancy (2014)
Interpsy Partner
- Jérôme DINET, Professor, Université de Lorraine, Interpsy
- Béatrice Linot, Ph.D student, Université de Lorraine, Co-supervision Interpsy, Department of Psychology and COAST team
Wright State University Partner
- Valerie SHALIN, Associate professor, Wright State University, Department of Psychology, International partner principal investigator
- Amit SHETH, Professor and LexisNexis Eminent Scholar, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Wright State University. Executive Director, Ohio Center of Excellence on Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis)
- Tanvi BANERJEE, Research Assistant Professor,and member Ohio Center of Excellence on Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis), Wright State University
- Meagan ALDRIDGE, Ph.D student, Wright State University, Department of Psychology
- Olivia FOX, Ph.D student, Wright State University, Department of Psychology
- Claire SHAH, Ph.D student, Wright State University, Department of Psychology
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