
Visits And Internships

  • May-Jun2013Valerie SHALIN, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Wright State University
    Invited researcher at Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the SCORE team, May 13 - June 21, 2013

We quantified the effect of delay on user behaviour in real-time collaborative editing, necessary for demonstrating the value-added of SCORE collaborative editing algorithms designed to reduce delay. The specific questions were: does delay reduce group performance? are user conflicts more frequent in the presence of delay? do users adapt to the delay? is group performance depending on the task? To answer these questions, we designed and ran three different experimental tasks for twenty groups of four users each (proofreading, sorting and note taking) each with a different time-constant, and examined alternative methods for measuring group performance. SCORE specified the initial tasks and the critical experimental manipulation, designed the experimental software and ensured the collection of performance measures. Our partner, Prof. Valerie SHALIN provided complementary expertise in experimental design such as the assignment of experimental delay conditions to participants, the collection of co-variates necessary for valid statistical analysis and adherence to policies for the ethical treatment of participants.

  • Jun-Oct2013Meagan ALDRIDGE, Ph.D. student, Wright State University
    Intern for Inria Nancy-Grand Est, SCORE team, June 10 - October 5, 2013 (Inria Internship)

We focused on the effect of delay for the sorting task in collaborative editing. In this task groups of users had to locate the release dates of an alphabetized list of movies, and sort them accordingly. We recovered quantitative performance measures from the sequence of behaviors within a group using several methods including time-series analyses, rank correlation and insertion sort. We quantified qualitative phenomena, such as the presence of user conflicts by reviewing the twenty videos registered during the experiments. The SCORE team provided the software for computing the quantitative measures and together with the internship student analysed the videos. Professor Shalin supervised statistical analysis conducted by the internship student.

  • Oct-Nov 2013Luc André, Ph.D. student, Université de Lorraine
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Computer Science & Knoesis, October 28 - November 1, 2013

The goal of this visit was to present in the Computer Science Department at Wright State University the current work of SCORE team on massive collaborative editing with a focus on consistency maintenance for strings "Supporting adaptable granularity of changes for massive scale collaborative editing". Additionally, the aim was to exploit possible applications of this work for clouds and mobile phones and possible collaborations with the projects of KNOESIS

  • Oct-Dec2013Valerie SHALIN, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Wright State University
    Sabbatical year at Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the SCORE team, October 2013 - December 2014

Prof. Valerie SHALIN began a 9 month sabbatical in collaboration with the SCORE team. Our goal was to develop an experimental design for testing SCORE's trust-based collaboration model for a large community of users. To ground our findings in existing social science theory, we examined the game theory literature that spans cognitive science, psychology and economics. Some of the questions we worked on were: is there a game theory model that could reflect document sharing in collaborative editing? is there a game theory model that deals with user reputation? what task scenario can be proposed for experimental studies? Our paradigm builds on game theory methods in three ways. First, we adapted a well-established trust game that best suits to a trust-based collaboration. Second, we accommodated the need for a large community of users by involving simulated users as well as human participants in the experiment. Third, we added user attributes for reputation, as required in the SCORE model, in order to determine their effect on the decision to collaborate.

  • Jan-May2014Valerie SHALIN, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Wright State University
    Sabbatical year at Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the SCORE team, January 2014 - May 2014

During this part of the sabbatical, Professor Shalin worked with the SCORE team on new analyses on the sorting task, on the design of quantitative and qualitative measures for the note-taking task and on preliminary analyses for the note-taking task. She also participated in the supervision of a master thesis on the trust-based collaboration.

  • Apr-Jul 2014Olivia Fox, Ph.D. student, Wright State University
    Intern for Inria Nancy-Grand Est, SCORE team, April 7 - July 6, 2014 (Inria Internship)

The goal of this internship was statistical analyses on the sorting and note-taking tasks. The student also helped with extraction of needed measures from video analysis. Prof. Valerie Shalin supervised the statistical analysis conducted by the intern student.

  • Sep2014Claudia-Lavinia Ignat, Research scientist, Inria
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Computer Science & Knoesis, September 14 - September 25, 2014

The goal of this visit was to finalize the analyses of the note-taking task and draft a paper on the results. Design of the tasks of a user study for trust-based collaboration were discussed.

  • Jun-Aug 2015François Charoy, Professor, Université de Lorraine
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Computer Science & Knoesis, June 14 - August 24, 2015

The goal of this visit was to settle up some collaboration in the domain of crisis management.

  • Oct-Nov2015Valerie SHALIN, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Wright State University
    Visit at Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the Coast team, October 10, 2015 - November 5, 2015

During this visit, Professor Shalin worked with the Coast team on analysing data from the experiments with users on the trust game.

  • Jun-Jul2016Claudia-Lavinia Ignat, Research scientist, Inria
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Computer Science & Knoesis, June 23, 2016 - July 21, 2016

The goal of this visit was finalisation of analysis of data from the experiments on trust game and the writing of a paper including all these results that was submitted at CHI 2017. Claudia gave in this period two talks on "Large scale trust based collaboration", one in the Department of Psychology and the other in the Department of Computer Science & Knoesis (talk available at She attended the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program), the Human Research module on Social/Behavioral research.

  • Jun-Jul2016Gerald Oster, Associate professor, Université de Lorraine
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Computer Science & Knoesis, June 23, 2016 - July 21, 2016

Gérald gave in this period a talk on "Distributed Real-time Collaborative Editing Systems" in the Department of Computer Science & Knoesis (talk available at He attended the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program), the Human Research module on Social/Behavioral research.

  • May-Jul2015Valerie SHALIN, Ph.D, Professor, Wright State University
    Visit at Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the Coast team, May 20, 2017 - July 7, 2017

During this visit, Professor Shalin worked with the Coast team on analysis of data collected during the experiments on the trust game.

  • Aug-Dec2017Béatrice Linot, PhD student, Université de Lorraine, Interpsy and Coast team
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Psychology & Knoesis, August 23, 2017 - December 15, 2017

The aim of the visit of Be ́atrice Linot at Wright State was the definition of the trust in the communication of information.

  • Jun-Jul2018François Charoy, Professor, Université de Lorraine
    Visit to Wright State University, Department of Psychology & Knoesis, June 15, 2018 - July 29, 2018

The purpose of this visit was to establish the requirements for a crisis response situation management application, concerning trust, relevance and data provenance. A secondary purpose was to refine Béatrice Linot's dissertation proposal.

  • Oct2018Valerie Shalin, Professor, Wright State University
    Visit to Nancy, October 7, 2018 - October 24, 2018

The purpose of this visit is data analysis of interview data pertaining to a crisis management scenario, and preparation of a journal submission that addresses design requirements for a crisis response situation management application.